Grameenphone SIM with free Internet utility (life time)

1.  download software from the firstThe. Then the sign up.htm an account.3. Connect the computer to the modem, then your GP. Sim that you have a package (ex. P1 send 5000) on the. send not have any money.4. Then enter

5. Unzip the download folder you will see a file called PD-launcher. Click on the PD-launcher.6. yes yes it was. I would like a window.7. The account that you did, and his ujaranema pasaoyada connect with them.8. Connect to the Internet if you like, you can iusa.( 1 account use 100mb use it. If you have 10 accounts, then 1gb use it. Longer the account, the more use. Was a kathah 1 account 90mb use after a user connect them., If any due 100mb use it, then that day is not  caution. was a kathah If you want to get more speed, then p1 package you apart from other ( p7, 3,1 ...) will start. p7 Starting 15 days Unlimited you can run. means any other pekeja. know it is rural and some can not. Achievement Run Free Internet.))Do not put any money when sim Internet use.